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Biblical Justice

Biblical Justice

When Jesus denounced the Pharisees as hypocrites, He highlighted again God’s special concern for justice: “justice and mercy and faithfulness; these are the things you should have done.” (Matt. 23:23) Yet most of us would have a very hard time defining what it means to “do justice.”

We tend to think of justice only in terms of God’s punishment, or some sort of holy retribution. What is Biblical justice? The Bible contains over 1100 verses about justice – more verses than on prayer or faith.

In this series we examine God’s commandments regarding justice, especially those that focus on protecting the dignity and worth of others, contending for the oppressed, and mandating procedural and economic justice for all persons.



Biblical Justice – Part 1 (The Image of God)
Biblical Justice – Part 2 (Commutative and Procedural Justice)
Biblical Justice – Part 3 (Distributive Justice)