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Examine Your Vision

Examine Your Vision

So often, Christians debate amongst themselves without stopping to examine the validity of their own beliefs.

In this series we take time out to explore some of the places where Christians miss each other in the discussion.

What exactly does it mean to be “saved?” When, or where, is the Kingdom of God? How should Christians engage culture? What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world?

Do Christians over-emphasize evangelism and ignore relationships with non-believers? How does our view of missions compare to the reality of Christianity around the world?



Examine Your Vision – Part 1 (Salvation and the Kingdom of God)
Examine Your Vision – Part 2 (Engaging Culture)
Examine Your Vision – Part 3 (Evangelism)
Examine Your Vision – Part 4 (Rethinking Missions)
Examine Your Vision – Part 5 (Truth and Doubt)
Examine Your Vision – Part 6 (Homosexuality)
Examine Your Vision – Part 7 (Post-Modernism and the Emergent Church)
Examine Your Vision – Part 8 (Scripture and Context)