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Examining Evangelism

Examining Evangelism

If our relationship with Christ is such “Good News,” why are we always trying to convince ourselves that we should be evangelizing? In an age of social media, we don’t have any issue telling people the “good news” about the latest movie, our favorite music artists, the causes we support, or even our views on political issues. Why then is it so hard to share about our relationship with Christ? Is it because we really aren’t excited about that relationship? Is it because He hasn’t made a real impact on our life? Have we been silenced by society and shamed into thinking that faith is a “private matter?” Are we put off by the methods of others, and use that as an excuse to avoid sharing the gospel altogether? Or is it that we have our own doubts about the truth of Christianity that keep us from telling others about Jesus Christ?

In this series, we get to the root cause of the issues that have kept us from sharing our faith. We examine the pros and cons of street evangelism and consider the effectiveness of evangelism methods. We examine the Great Commission and the book of Acts to get an idea of why sharing our faith is a mandate for all of Christ’s disciples and we consider the role of a disciple in being a witness and an ambassador for Christ. Finally, we conclude with an examination of what it means for Jesus to be “the way, the truth and the life,” and wrestle with Jesus’ exclusive claim that “no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)


Examining Evangelism – Part 1
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Examining Evangelism – Part 2
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Examining Evangelism – Part 3
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Examining Evangelism – Part 4
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Examining Evangelism – Part 5
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Examining Evangelism – Part 6
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