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The Power of the Holy Spirit

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would indwell every believer, giving us access to the very power of God to live as His disciples on earth. Why then does it seem that we are mostly getting by on our own power, and relying on our own abilities to live out the Christian life? Why is the church comprised mostly of human-sized efforts that rarely manifest the truly awe-inspiring work of God? As A. W. Tozer famously observed, if the Holy Spirit were taken away from today’s church, only 10% of what it does would cease. How did we get to a point where the book of Acts seems so distant from our every day experience? Why has the Holy Spirit been “forgotten,” and why do we know so little about the Third Person of the Trinity? In this series, we examine Who the Holy Spirit is, read Jesus’ own exhortation to His disciples about the Spirit, and rediscover the significant roles that are attributed to the Spirit in the New Testament.

What verses reveal to us the work and Person of the Holy Spirit? If we don’t see evidence of power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, has the Holy Spirit somehow left us? How do we grieve, quench or deny the Holy Spirit? Can we communicate directly with the Holy Spirit? Is there a separate baptism, or second baptism, of the Holy Spirit? What would our life look like if we were filled with the Spirit, and how do we walk in partnership with the Spirit to live out our lives in His power rather than solely on our own power?

The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 1
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The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 2
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The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 3
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The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 4
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The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 5
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The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 6
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