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Understanding the Mystery of the Trinity

Understanding the Mystery of the Trinity

Nothing is harder for us to comprehend than God’s true nature: a triune being who is fully God, yet made up of three distinct co-equal and co-eternal persons.

In this series, we take on the task of gaining a better understanding of the Trinity in the hopes of dispelling common misconceptions and seeking to better worship the Triune God of the Bible. How does the Bible reveal God’s triune nature? Where does the doctrine of the Trinity come from?

Was it invented by the church after the Bible was written? Is there evidence of the Trinity in the Old Testament, as well as the New?

How can God be made up of Three Persons? What are their roles, and how do they share One Being? How can we learn to appreciate and worship God as One without segregating Him into separate persons?


The Mystery Of The Trinity – Part 1
The Mystery Of The Trinity – Part 2
The Mystery Of The Trinity – Part 3
The Mystery Of The Trinity – Part 4
The Mystery Of The Trinity – Part 5