Some time ago, we posted the last of our Exodus Podcasts, concluding with The Final Series. But we know that many of you are still discovering the podcasts for the first time, or continuing to listen along to series you’ve missed. It’s my hope that we can continue to update the blog with new posts that relate back to the many podcast topics we’ve covered, and we’re going to be posting some of my recent sermons at NewSong Church for those who’ve wondered if we had any more content to post.
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While Christians are keenly interested in hearing from God, our churches are structured in a way that misses one of the key ways in which God speaks: the deliberation of the body. Can churches practically engage in deliberation? After all, our church services — especially at our “successful” churches – have grown to a size where this type of interaction is unwieldy. But if we want to open up another avenue of hearing from God that we have long ignored, maybe we should stop questioning how we can practice deliberation in large groups, and start questioning the size of our groups.
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One of the subjects that always seems to find prominent space on the shelves of Christian bookstores is the subject of hearing from God. Many of you know that Exodus was founded in large part on a belief that God speaks to us all, but that our churches are structured in a way that misses one of the key ways in which God speaks: the deliberation of the body. From the birth of the early church, we see the apostles routinely deliberating together as a means of hearing from God. So here is an audacious claim: when you listen to the interaction which we recorded in our podcasts, you may be listening to the voice of the Spirit, manifested in the deliberation of the body.
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